Tuesday, July 19, 2011

4th of July - Backwards

Stopped by so Nana & Paps could meet Joshua
Nana with 2 of her special grandbabies

We spent our 4th this year with Pop (my Dad) in South Carolina with a weekend of fun and family. Thank you Dad and Kathie for a memorable weekend!

Yes, he had a ball!

Grandma Kathie and Joy

Badminton tournament

My beautiful girl

Annual 4th of July Family Pic with our niece Rosemary

Camping at Coneross Campground, Townville SC

We started the weekend by celebrating our sweet Grace's 11th birthday and Rosemary's (our niece) 5th birthday at the Skate Center.
How the years fly!

First Smore

As adoptive parents to a toddler we mourn the "firsts" we did not get to witness. However, we treasure the ones that we create. I wouldn't trade his first smore for anything!